In this article, I will present an overview of benchmarking SAT solvers in Go. We will take a look at gini and gophersat on randomly selected sat competition problems from previous years.
The sat problem is a canonical problem for the easiest intractable complexity class of problems, the famous NP complete complexity class. NP complete problems are characterised as problems for which verifying whether or not a solution is correct is efficient, but for which many such potential solutions exist.
The Go tool suite comes with many performance aids, such as profiling and micro benchmarks. However, we have found that these tools are, perhaps with good reason [1], inappropriate for benchmarking hard combinatorial problems; they serve well to benchmark a unit test or library call, but they do not attempt to measure the bottom line in solvers for hard problems.
These notions are completely different. In the solver paradigm, we are focused on how many problems can be solved from a large set of problems in a given time. In micro-benchmark, subroutine problems, we are interested in the throughput of a benchmarked subroutine. Moreover, for competition problems, a majority of the problems will be sufficiently difficult to challenge a majority of the competitors, so the problems are notably harder than many application domain problems.
Gini comes with a tool for benchmarking hard combinatorial problems, called bench
Hard combinatorial problems are generally solved using heuristics and so they have
enormous variance in runtime when applied to different problems.
Here is its usage:
bench -h
bench <cmd> [options] arg arg ...
<cmd> may be
For help with a command, run bench <cmd> -h.
can be used to select benchmarks, to run different solvers on those
benchmarks, and to compare the results.
We have collected 3 sets of SAT solver benchmarks using “bench sel” and placed them at
For example, the repository contains some randomly selected SAT competition problems from previous years.
We cloned this repository and then used bench
to randomly select 35 problems
from them.
git clone
bench sel -n 35 -name bench.hard -pattern "*.cnf*" suites
Similarly, we created a suite of 25 easy SAT problems in bench.easy and 100 medium problems in bench.medium.
The bench
tool runs and records the results of a benchmark for a benchmark
bench run -h
run [runoptions] suite [ suite [ suite ... ] ]
run runs commands on benchmark suites enforcing timeouts and
recording results.
-cmd string
command to run on each instance
-commit string
commit id of command
-d string
delete the run
-desc string
description of run.
-dur duration
max per-instance duration (default 5s)
-gdur duration
max run duration (default 1h0m0s)
-name string
name of the run (default "run")
The bench
tool is a bit taylored to SAT solvers, which exit code 10 on
satisfiable and code 20 on unsatisfiable, so that benchmarking tools don’t need
to parse different outputs. The “cmd” flag expects a command which follows
this (unconvential by unix standards) convention. Gini comes with a flag
which implements this.
The “dur” flag gives a runtime duration per-instance. The “gdur” flag gives a total timeout, which can be useful if one expects a large proportion of a suite to be solved in a given time and does not want the global duration to equal the number of instances times the per-instance duration.
Gini was run with ‘bench run -cmd “gini -satcomp -timeout 3m”’. The timeout passed to -cmd needs to be greater than the per instance timeout that bench imposes.
We took Gophersat at commit 72b19f5 and modified it as follows to fit the sat competition convention
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index f08b30c..806662f 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -66,7 +66,21 @@ func main() {
} else if count {
countModels(pb, verbose)
} else {
- solve(pb, verbose, cert, printFn)
+ _ = printFn
+ solve(pb, verbose, cert, func(c chan solver.Result) {
+ res, ok := <-c
+ if !ok {
+ os.Exit(0)
+ }
+ switch res.Status {
+ case solver.Sat:
+ os.Exit(10)
+ case solver.Unsat:
+ os.Exit(20)
+ default:
+ os.Exit(0)
+ }
+ })
We used the following wrapper script to take care of the .bz2 inputs
gzip -d -c $@ > $f.cnf
exec gophersat $f.cnf
The bench
tool facilitates exploring results with the cmp verb
bench cmp -h
cmp [cmp options] suite
cactus plot
list all instances in all runs.
-runs string
comma separated list of run globs (default "*")
list only sat instances in runs.
scatter plot of run pairs
suite summary. (default true)
list only unsat instances in runs.
Let’s look at our suites.
scott@pavillion benchblog % bench cmp bench.easy
Suite bench.easy
| Run | solved | sat | unsat | unknown | time | utime | stime |
| gini.1m | 25 | 6 | 19 | 0 | 60.97 s | 59.90 s | 0.00 s |
| gophersat.1m | 25 | 6 | 19 | 0 | 50.12 s | 49.73 s | 0.00 s |
Let’s take a look at a scatter plot (in the terminal :)
scott@pavillion benchblog % bench cmp -scatter bench.easy
Suite bench.easy
| Run | solved | sat | unsat | unknown | time | utime | stime |
| gini.1m | 25 | 6 | 19 | 0 | 60.97 s | 59.90 s | 0.00 s |
| gophersat.1m | 25 | 6 | 19 | 0 | 50.12 s | 49.73 s | 0.00 s |
bench.easy: gophersat.1m v gini.1m
★ /
★ /
/ ☆
/ ☆
★ /
★ / ☆
★ - gophersat.1m wins
☆ - gini.1m wins
We can see that both sides had an outlier but gophersat manages to finish overall earlier than gini.
scott@pavillion benchblog % bench cmp bench.medium
Suite bench.medium
| Run | solved | sat | unsat | unknown | time | utime | stime |
| gini.30s | 65 | 41 | 24 | 35 | 1353.65s | 1322.35s | 0.00 s |
| gophersat.30s | 55 | 32 | 23 | 45 | 1890.92s | 1593.96s | 0.00 s |
Let’s look at a scatter plot.
scott@pavillion benchblog % bench cmp -scatter bench.medium
Suite bench.medium
| Run | solved | sat | unsat | unknown | time | utime | stime |
| gini.30s | 65 | 41 | 24 | 35 | 1353.65s | 1322.35s | 0.00 s |
| gophersat.30s | 55 | 32 | 23 | 45 | 1890.92s | 1593.96s | 0.00 s |
bench.medium: gophersat.30s v gini.30s
★ ☆ ☆
/ ☆ ☆
★ ★ ☆ ☆
★ ☆ ☆ ☆
★ - gophersat.30s wins
☆ - gini.30s wins
scott@pavillion benchblog % bench cmp bench.hard
Suite bench.hard
| Run | solved | sat | unsat | unknown | time | utime | stime |
| gini.1m | 7 | 3 | 4 | 28 | 1735.00s | 1719.91s | 0.00 s |
| gini.5s | 6 | 3 | 3 | 29 | 154.60 s | 149.90 s | 0.00 s |
| gophersat.1m | 7 | 3 | 4 | 28 | 1853.46s | 1821.00s | 0.00 s |
| gophersat.5s | 5 | 2 | 3 | 30 | 158.27 s | 157.01 s | 0.00 s |
Go has some SAT solvers which can solve some tough SAT problems. The benchmarks, as is often the case, don’t really show a huge trend. In some suites, Gini does better, in others, Gophersat does better. There is also a tradeoff w.r.t. the per-instance cutoff time.
It can be noted that in this data, Gini has an edge on SAT problems, which I (the author) believes is probably due to its unique (and unpublished) dynamic vsids
Gophersat and gini are pretty complementary from an API perspective, where Gophersat has more diverse command line functionality in terms of different SAT-like formats and problems, and gini has a bunch of features which are designed to treat these problems and others more by composing library usage. (It also the basis of a model checker).
Using the bench tool offers a way to address a very different flavor of performance problems than nanoseconds or allocations or whatever per op. This flavor of benchmarking is about maximising coverage over a large set of possible input problems, and is characterised by highly variable and possibly long runtimes.
Benchmarking can give a requisite degree of confidence regarding problem difficulty of a particular application domain. Despite the fact that many problems timeout here (this is probably also the case for any solve), SAT is used in industry, from Eclipse package management to Coverity false path supporession to operator-lifecycle-management on kubernetes. Real world problems are indeed within the reach of our SAT solvers; benchmarking can validate that.
[1] It is generally encouraged to avoid hard combinatorial problems where possible in software development. Such a practice guarantees that the resulting software is safe in the sense that it won’t take exponential time to complete some subtask.